Historic: Tribal Tribal

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4 Impostor of the Sixth Pride
1 Lancer Sliver
1 Sentinel Sliver
4 Distant Melody
4 Universal Automaton
4 Guardian Gladewalker
2 Maskwood Nexus
4 The Bears of Littjara
4 Realmwalker
1 Crested Sunmare
1 King of the Pride
1 Regal Caracal
1 Feline Sovereign
1 Predatory Sliver
1 Master of the Pearl Trident
1 Svyelun of Sea and Sky
1 Tempered Sliver
1 Forest
1 Island
1 Plains
3 The World Tree
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Temple Garden
4 Breeding Pool
2 Deserted Beach
2 Overgrown Farmland
2 Dreamroot Cascade


Someone once told me that if your having trouble coming up with a fun deck idea, just choose a tribe. But sometimes you also have issues picking a tribe. FOr those occassions I present to you Tribal Tribal, a deck that jams a whole bunch of tribes into a tiny little package.

It's lords and slivers and enablers all packed together into a package filled with changelings to use them all.


Lords, lords and more lords. The deck contains a bunch of singelton lords to give our changelings a range of enhancements. These lords can give everything from first strike to power boosts to island walk and ward.


What good are our lords of only a few creatures can use them. We run a wide selection of changgelings and changeling generators to make sure every lord we play has something to power up.


Running so many changelings it's likely we are going to have a decent number of them on the battlefield at the same time. We run four copies of Distant Melody to make sure we can draw a large number of cards to refill our hands.


Our manabase is standard 3 color faire. Shock lands, Slow lands, and The World Tree try and ensure we can hit our mana requirements.